Contact Lenses
Introduction to Contact Lenses
There have been a number of improvements in contact lenses comfort. No longer are they thick uncomfortable pieces of plastic. There are many different types of contact lens material. We routinely fit many of our patients with contact lenses and will use the contact lens material most suitable for your eyes.
As contact lens technology improves more people who were previously told they were unsuitable are now able to wear contact lenses. We are now able to fit those with high prescription levels including those with astigmatism. We also regularly fit patient who have had issues with comfort and dryness. One of our lenses we supply offers great tear film support which results in a more comfortable contact lens wearing experience.
Wearing schedule
There are two different types of wearing schedule when it comes to disposable contact lenses - daily wear and monthly wear.
Monthly lenses are lenses which can be worn up to thirty days. Depending on the type of material they are made from, some monthly lenses allow for users to sleep overnight while wearing them. Some can be worn for a continuous 30 days while others allow for a few nights continuous wear. Not all monthly lenses can be worn safely for overnight sleep. As they require proper cleaning and contact lens solution, monthly lenses are becoming less popular than daily lenses. You must always follow the instructions from your optometrist!
Daily lenses do not require any cleaning or cleaning solution but must be disposed of at the end of each day. These are becoming more popular as the chance of adverse events are much lower. These are also a great option for part time wearers.
Reading Vision and Contact Lenses
Monovision is a technique used where contact lenses focused at two different distances. This allows people to have the ability to see up close and far. Monovision is a quick solution for early presbyopia (the inability to focus at near). As presbyopia progresses, users of monovision generally find it inadequate and need reading glasses or advance to multifocal contact lenses.
Multifocal contact lenses have improved in optics and comfort and are available as monthly and daily disposable lenses. These types of lenses are an excellent option for those who want to be glasses free. As presbyopia progresses multifocal contact lenses are an excellent option due to their varying degrees of power. Multifocal contact lenses can be more difficult to fit sometimes requiring up to two different trial lenses. A recent study has shown that multifocal contact lenses offer better vision than monovision.
Internet and Contact Lenses
We understand that purchasing goods over the internet can be cheaper. Contact lenses are no different. Should you have an issue with contact lenses that you purchased through us we will gladly support you. If your lens of choice is supplied from one of our existing preferred suppliers we will may be able to price match.
We often review all our prices in store to be competitive with the online world.